Thursday, February 12, 2009

First day in Australia... no kangaroo

Hello family and other lovers of mine!

First of all. Totally forgot to brush my teeth before getting in bed to write this. Agh. So silly. I'm all comfy too. Super lame. 

Okay, back and refreshed. I'm so glad I told you all to "hang on" in a blog post! :) All lame joking aside, Australian toothpaste tubes are a TON skinnier than US toothpaste!! I feel slightly jipped right now. I also learned today that Australians look at you funny and react like you just told the world you have 20 serious STDs when you ask where to buy eye contact solution. After a little hesitation and a seriously concerned face, the man told me that I would need to "find a chemist for that stuff". Hahaha, Aussies must have great vision...?

Well, after a painful 19 or so hours of sitting on a plane, we landed in Sydney!!!!! Unfortunately it was raining when we arrived, and is still raining now, but **fingers crossed** this will pass by tomorrow.

I feel awful but it took me a good 10 minutes to write those last couple sentences and keep my eyes open! 

More to come later (& pictures!)
I love you all


  1. I am SO glad that you are safe and sound...and as always you make me laugh!!!

    Enjoy :) Enjoy :) Enjoy :)

  2. So happy you arrived safely, sister. :) Keep an eye out for the kangaroos. You'll see one soon enough... and until then, I'll keep eagerly posting comments! Love you, Joce

  3. Big Apple eats Sydney's dingo!!!! I miss you Carly and have fun surfing!!!

    -thomas aka "t-thing"
