Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beaching and "Casablanca"

G'day everyone!

Well, it's Sunday... the day to catch up on all of the school work you should have done earlier. Thank goodness I've only had 1 week (aka 3 days) of class, so I just need to read a little. Updating a blog can count as "work", right?! ...Just say yes! :)

School last week went pretty well. Everyone says studying abroad is more or less "a joke" when it comes to schoolwork. But, for me, after 3 months of no school I'm actually pretty nervous! It's an entirely different culture, and although we speak the same language, you have to wonder if the style of writing and/or way of presenting projects is different here? All my classes have at least 1 hour of lecture and 1 hour of a tutorial or practical during the week. Almost every class at Macquarie records the lectures and post them on-line... therefore, most students don't even go to their lectures. However, the way I am around my computer (blogs, facebook, email...) I don't trust myself to sit down in my room expecting to learn everything over the internet. I'm going to need to go to these lectures to keep up!! 

Let's just cross our fingers I don't fall asleep again... I think I will start drinking tea, Jocelyn!  :)

After kinda sorta readjusting my schedule, I now might have to have a Monday night class (5-6 p.m) and a late Thursday night class (8-9 p.m.). But if that's what happens I'll still have a 3-day weekend with Friday's off which is better than how it is at Butler! I feel lucky enough for that.

Since I had the day off on Friday, myself and a few friends went to Bondi Beach for the day! It was absolutely GORGEOUS. It's known as the most famous, and touristy, beach in Sydney. Many times celebrities are seen there! Although there were no celebs, there was indeed a handful for topless women and a very old man in a leopard print g-string. Ugh. Seriously... SO WRONG! We were all laughing... kinda. We all threw up in our mouth a little bit as well. 

After the beach, I AGAIN went to a drag show on Friday night. It was entertaining, but I think that might be my last drag show experience for QUITE a while. I'm good friends with this Daniel Jensen, who is good friends with a whole bunch of the performers which is why I've been to 2 in the last two weekends. I think all my friends are ready for the straight club scene. However, we can't skip the HUGE Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade downtown Sydney which is known worldwide as a gigantic celebration. That should be fun!

Yesterday (Saturday), I was supposed to go to the aquarium with a couple girls who live at DLC with me. Afterwards, they were going to try to make it to the beach by noon and be back by dinner. But, they were leaving at 8 a.m. and I was exhausted from the day and night before and told them to go without me. Plus, I got a little sunburnt at Bondi, so the idea of being outside at the hottest hours didn't really appeal to me. I'll need to go to the aquarium sometime though... and there will be plenty of more weekends to hit up the beaches!!

I was pretty lazy on yesterday morning, but I did go for an hour walk at noon around my campus.  The sun was incredibly hot, and even with 2 layers of sunscreen on I felt like I was getting burnt after the first 5 minutes of stepping outside. 

Wild fact: The sun is much more harsh over Australia because there is an "ozone hole" over the continent! Pretty crazy.

Last night, I went to my friend, Kim's, apartment around 5 to help her make some pasta with chicken, tomatoes, and black olives! She had myself, Anna, Danny, and Danny's Australian roommate--Matt--over for dinner before seeing "Casablanca" at this park about a 20 minute walk up the street. I had never seen the movie before so I definitely enjoyed it! A truly classic romance. There were a lot of older couples watching at the park. It was very precious.

I'll leave you with some out of order pictures... as always!

Danny Gregory and Cassie with their cotton candy at "Casablanca"
The beautiful sunset and moon at the Kent Road park
Dora and I touring the campus together!!! This one is for you, Mom. :)
A view from the U@Mac building. It's our union with plenty of places to eat, study, a convenience store, and the bookstore. I'm not sure what the place behind the fountain is? Maybe some other campus housing? There are TONS of places to live here. It is a University of 40,000!!
Danny bought a Spanish guitar at Bondi Beach and serenaded Kim, Daniel, and I right to sleep! Hence the sunburnt...
Another view of campus. I love this part of the campus. Look at how tall those trees are! :)
Truly soaking up the sun  at Bondi :)
Daniel Jensen and Kim making their way from the bus on down to the beach. See the cliff rocks way off in the distance in the middle of the picture? We didn't walk up there, but I guess there is a beautiful path and homeless people make their homes in little nooks on the cliff. I'll have to check it out next time! Maybe even make my own home!?

I hope all is wonderful back in the states, or wherever you may be reading this from!

All this hot weather here actually makes me miss the crazy snowy midwest just a littttttttle bit. But not really too much. Haha! 

Love you all!


  1. Not going to classes sounds kind of lonely to me. I am sure you will do just fine with your studies because you have a good work ethic. Just keep taking those beach, movie and sight seeing breaks and you will be energized! Mwah!Love, Mom

  2. Is it really true that in Australia, McDonalds serves kangaroo burgers with a little pocket for your French fries?


  3. I am addicted to your blog. Ditto to everything Mom says... also, be sure to check up on Grandpa's guesses about Aussie McDonald's. :)

    Good luck with getting into the swing of things with classes and such. This time is bound to go by quickly, so whatever you do, enjoy yourself and make the most of this!

    "I'm going to feed you to my tarantula,"

  4. Your ending reminds me of gossip girl (xoxo...gossip girl)...

    I miss you and just like jocelyn and the rest of your fam, am totally addicted to your blog and your life and you (ok, those last two parts were kind of creepy!)

    Keep writing and having a glorious time down under!

    <3 Kristy
