Friday, December 26, 2008

'Tis the Season

So Christmas was wonderful.

I got plenty of goodies from Santa and was quite spoiled. However, not as spoiled as my two sisters who have been playing with their brand new iPhones for the last 3 hours, but still spoiled enough to be allowed to travel "Oz" for the next four months :) 

I can hardly wait but I know I need the entire month of January to get ready mentally AND physically. Maybe the lack of classes & responsibilities will motivate me to make the gym my new best friend...? Maybe not...I'm sure gonna miss Alpha Phi's taco bar and the endless amount of desserts for lunch and dinner. Agh, ridiculous.

I wish you all a happy new year!


  1. Carly, I am so jealious of your "trip to the land down unda'"!! Have an awesome time! Love, Val

  2. Hey Carly...soon to be amongst the kangaroos. I will miss you! This blog, email and Skype will help us stay in touch. I hope you have time to write of your experiences!
    Love, Mom

  3. Be a good little American-Aussie! I to am a little jealous but look forward to hearing about your adventures. Don't worry I hear they have great taco-roos down there. Have a few for us!:) Love ya, Trish
