Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Busy Weekend :)

Hey everyone!

It's been a while... I was going wait and write after this weekend, but I figured I would just write now. I don't have TOO much time because I'm off in about 30 minutes to catch the train for the live recording of "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE?: AUSTRALIA"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so incredibly excited. My friend, Anna, won 4 tickets by expressing her love for dance in only 25 words. Supposedly it's very difficult to win these tickets, so needless to say everyone is quite jealous!!!! The Australians are especially shocked/jealous considering they try month after month and have yet to win tickets... damn Americans, right? :)

Last weekend was a blast and definitely busy in the best way possible!

Last Wednesday I was laying outside "doing homework" (aka trying not to fall asleep...) when my friend, Joe, dropped by to say hi! During the few minutes that we were talking, he got a phone call from his study abroad advisor who said that there were extra spots still available for their group tour to Hunter Valley-wine country. I had heard amazing things about the tours and just the scenery in Hunter Valley in general... I knew I had to check it out sometime this semester. Joe asked if I was interested and so, naturally, I said yes! We left for Hunter Valley early Friday morning and had quite the interesting 2-hour bus ride. A few of the guys had too much fun the night before and were STILL feeling good at 9 a.m. and throughout the entire trip. That Thursday night I went over to Kim's apartment after my late Marketing class and watched a few hours of classic American t.v. (Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, Scrubs) with her and her roommates. It was so needed considered I haven't been able to watch actual t.v. since I've been here, and I was wide awake for the full day in Hunter Valley!

The group went to three different wineries and one brewery throughout the day. It was a little overcast, but it was much better than the intense heat we received everyday earlier that week and it only sprinkled a little bit, so it was beautiful. 

The second winery had a Valerie Kaye collection piece... My sister is famous in Australia!!!! :)

The last winery had absolutely amazing views of the country

I couldn't resist being artsy on this picture! It was THEE perfect red rose. 

A glamour shot with the butterfly and rolling hills!

The brewery visit... I knew my Dad would have loved this stop!

I was pretty tired when we got home. I went to the mall, ate some "Mad Mex" (a Chipotle/Qdoba wannabe... definitely not as good though), and put on my pajamas. A great ending to any full day of events!

The next morning, Kim, Tamara, and Amanda hopped on an early train to the city. From there we took the ferry across the harbour to the famous "Taronga Zoo". Just like Hunter Valley, this was a place I definitely wanted to visit sometime during my time in Sydney. It is absolutely beautiful with stunning views of the Sydney skyline from across the water. PLUS, one of my dreams came true: I got to hand-feed a giraffe!!!!!!! As most of you know, I've collected giraffe figurines and stuffed animals since I was 8, or so. They are my favorite animal, and they are even more glorious looking up close!! 

Kim & I with the creepy (and dirty) koala!


An Alpha Phi tradition to make the "phi bear" ears wherever you go. I was in front of the bear's den, so I felt it was necessary! 
Feeding the beauuuutiful giraffe!

I was acting like a 5-year old the entire time... I was so excited and I could not stop smiling. It was amazing!

Look at that view! The giraffes are just so cool that the zoo gave them the best view of Sydney :)

Kim and I hurried back to campus and quickly got ready to go see Anna's play! It was called "1.5 Spot" and it was 4 student-written one acts. Anna was in 2 of the 4 shows and she did SO SO well in both. However, the plots were a little odd... I definitely felt uncomfortable, confused, and awkward throughout most of the show! Again, it was fun to see Anna perform and I'm glad we went... despite the awkwardness! :)

Sunday was beach day! It was wonderful because I feel like I haven't been to the beach in a while-- 2 or 3 weeks is way too long! Kim, Anna, Abby, and I went to Dee Why beach for the day since there was live music between 2-4. The band was a cover band and it was just the perfect weather for a long beach day. Not too hot, but definitely not chilly. I also am excited because I called up Natasha (Tasha) Tichon who I went to middle school with in Libertyville but is originally from Sydney and moved back to Sydney with her family halfway through 8th grad year. It was strange, but wonderful, playing catch-up after not seeing or talking to one another after so many years! Around 5 we made our way back to campus so we wouldn't miss "So You Think You Can Dance?" at 7:30! Anna and Abby made dinner for Kim and I, and it was absolutely delicious! We snacked on Dorritos and had a Freddo Ice Cream cake for dessert--delicious! We all had a stomach ache by the end of it all and I ended up falling asleep on their couch for a little bit! Obviously it had been a busy weekend.

AND NOW... My parents just arrived in Australia yesterday!!!!!!!! They are traveling in Cairns for a few days and I will finally see them in Sydney on the 7th (Tuesday). It kind of stinks because I'll be busy with 'Cabaret' rehearsals and classes next week so I might not even get to see them on my 21st (which is Wednesday!!!!!!!! Yay!). But, we will have a full week together traveling New Zealand, so I am sure that will be incredible! I can't wait for my mid-semester 2-week break!

I could probably write more but I really need to go catch the train!!!

Love you all & have a great week!